Saturday, October 23, 2010


I have taken part in 5 Carolina traditions so far I believe. The first one was first night Carolina which although it was rained out and held in the Russell house instead, was kind of a cool event and defiantly helped the first night transition go a lot smoother. The second one was the first year reading experience which we all had to take a part in that I somewhat enjoyed but I thought maybe a different book would have been nicer. I went to a football game and therefore fulfilled two traditions in that I said the alma matter with the rest of the crowd and also heard the fight song being played during the game which was pretty cool. The last tradition I think I have fulfilled is I always take a look at the newspaper every day of the week  because The daily gamecock often has some pretty cool stories in it and it’s nice to read about things going on on campus. As far as tradition off campus my favorite tradition has to be going back Home to new york every summer because well I may have lived in south Carolina a bit and Colombia is nice and all I still miss New York and my family up there sometimes so the visit is awesome.

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