Friday, September 10, 2010

Labor Day

My labor day was pretty standard by American standards. I went to my mother’s house over the weekend to visit family for my birthday that’s the 12th. On Labor Day we had a cookout at my grandmother’s house for Labor Day and my birthday. During the day we had went and saw Dinner for Schmucks the movie which was pretty funny all in all. Unfortunately though well I was in Myrtle Beach I realized how much I wanted to get back to Columbia. It’s not that I wanted to get away from family (okay maybe just a little), but because I feel that I sort of belong here now and I love it. So as nice as the mini-break was here’s to wishing that fall break doesn’t come early this year.

Fun Fact: Labor Day was first celebrated in 1882 in New York City, see all good things come out of NY

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