Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Walking around at the organization fair was really exciting because it was to me a great way to find things to do around campus. The wide variety of clubs was overwhelming at first but easy to manage as I walked up the rows and picked up stuff that looked interesting. There were tons of club members that were very helpful in informing me of all the wonderful activity’s there clubs do. The only bad part was the barrage of churches trying to stuff their fliers into your hands at every turn but they weren’t that bad… I already joined Carolina Productions and am looking forward to getting involved with the college democrats and maybe the TWLOHR Club here on campus plus a couple of others maybe. I figure well I’m here and don’t have a job yet (Unfortunately) I might as well make the most of all my down time. If I had to start one organization up that I did not already see I might have considered some sort of motivational speakers clubs that would as a group work on their skill in an effort to become better motivators for their friends and fellow Carolinians.

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