Friday, September 17, 2010

Academic Success

I think my Lassi results (that are MIA at the moment) were pretty accurate when it comes to describing me. the few I agreed with the most were the time management that I got a 15 on and the 0 on use of study aids.I think that the time management is spot on because I sometimes have problems with setting specific times to do specific things. I have everything I need to do plugged in on my phones calender but the problem comes when it is that actual time to do something and I don't want to do it and lack of a bit only to have to complete it in a rush later on. The use of study aids I agree with to but I don't really think that it is such a bad thing. I don't go to tutoring or help clinics because from a young age I was taught to do the work by myself and that If you worked hard those aids you would not need the aids to help. I don't think badly of people who use them but I just don't see myself using them in the near future so that score will probably remain the way it is. My anxiety, selecting main Ideas and information processing scores were all really high and i think that comes out allot in my day to day routine. I don't really worry about allot of things because I am usually able to calm myself down and work to get hings done when i start to get a little anxious. as far as the SMI and IPS I feel that at times I can really be a analytical person who asses situations by looking at the major things first so I feel those scores were pretty accurate. the only score I really want to work on is maybe my concentration. Maybe I can focus on trying to find ways to focus myself I hope over the course of this year but overall I'm not that anxious about it.

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