Friday, September 24, 2010

Capstone And USC

My experience with capstone so far has been excellent. The program is interesting in that it provides numerous social and educational events on campus that have enriched my college experience so far. The capstone community is also nice to have because in a school of thousands of students capstone really feels like a smaller tight knit community. Most of the people in capstone I have met are extremely nice and friendly. Also in capstone people are devoted to service learning and good grades which makes it easy to find common ground with people. Also since everyone is hardworking and invested in their study’s it makes finding study partners a lot easier. Capstone house is also awesome in that out of all the dorms on campus I have visited it is in my opinion the best.
                After being at USC for a month now I think my expectations for college are about the same as my experience except for a few things. One is that I expected college to be hard but I did not expect that so much work could be due all at the same time like it was week. Also after months I can honestly ysayt hat my fear of a bad roommate or doom are totally gone as I am happy with my roommate and dorm. Overall so far it’s going great.

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