Friday, September 24, 2010

Cocky's Reading Express ----- Chuu Chuu

After visiting my site for Cocky’s Reading Express I am excited to go on a trip to a school. I am somewhat disappointed at the moment that the dates and times are not the best for my schedule by I feel confident that sometime over the semester I will get a chance to go on a trip to a school. I am worried a bit that there will be no trips that fit but it that is the case then I will try my best to make one of the trips fit by maybe asking my professor for one of my classes if I could miss class for a community service project if I promise to make up the work or something.  Overall though regardless of what happens I hope to gain some valuable community service and I hope that threw this program I can feel that I am doing something to give back to the community. Overall I am interested to see where this program will go and excited to start volunteering over the next few weeks.

Capstone And USC

My experience with capstone so far has been excellent. The program is interesting in that it provides numerous social and educational events on campus that have enriched my college experience so far. The capstone community is also nice to have because in a school of thousands of students capstone really feels like a smaller tight knit community. Most of the people in capstone I have met are extremely nice and friendly. Also in capstone people are devoted to service learning and good grades which makes it easy to find common ground with people. Also since everyone is hardworking and invested in their study’s it makes finding study partners a lot easier. Capstone house is also awesome in that out of all the dorms on campus I have visited it is in my opinion the best.
                After being at USC for a month now I think my expectations for college are about the same as my experience except for a few things. One is that I expected college to be hard but I did not expect that so much work could be due all at the same time like it was week. Also after months I can honestly ysayt hat my fear of a bad roommate or doom are totally gone as I am happy with my roommate and dorm. Overall so far it’s going great.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Time Management - Goal Setting - Personal Challenge

My goals that I set were to one pass French class, two keep a job and make enough money for a snowboarding trip during spring break and three to do good enough in CP to earn the VIP status award for the club. i think the job and club are easier to attain because I somewhat enjoy both of those activity’s whereas French is a constant chore to get myself to commit to the work.MY personal challenge I think Is maybe having something o do with French because second languages were always hard for me and it would be a challenge to make a good grade in a college level French. However my challenge may change because I am not too sure of my specifics yet. Whatever my goal Is I expect to accomplish it by sustained determination and stalwart persistence throughout the year in order to work towards it with a couple of steps at a time.

Academic Success

I think my Lassi results (that are MIA at the moment) were pretty accurate when it comes to describing me. the few I agreed with the most were the time management that I got a 15 on and the 0 on use of study aids.I think that the time management is spot on because I sometimes have problems with setting specific times to do specific things. I have everything I need to do plugged in on my phones calender but the problem comes when it is that actual time to do something and I don't want to do it and lack of a bit only to have to complete it in a rush later on. The use of study aids I agree with to but I don't really think that it is such a bad thing. I don't go to tutoring or help clinics because from a young age I was taught to do the work by myself and that If you worked hard those aids you would not need the aids to help. I don't think badly of people who use them but I just don't see myself using them in the near future so that score will probably remain the way it is. My anxiety, selecting main Ideas and information processing scores were all really high and i think that comes out allot in my day to day routine. I don't really worry about allot of things because I am usually able to calm myself down and work to get hings done when i start to get a little anxious. as far as the SMI and IPS I feel that at times I can really be a analytical person who asses situations by looking at the major things first so I feel those scores were pretty accurate. the only score I really want to work on is maybe my concentration. Maybe I can focus on trying to find ways to focus myself I hope over the course of this year but overall I'm not that anxious about it.

Friday, September 10, 2010


I have a lot of experience with service in the past through personal commitment and club activities. I am a very political and world influenced person I like to think and I choose to put my faith in human beings and therefor I enjoy any opportunity to help out my fellow man.IN high school I was president of the interact club and the reading mentors program 2 programs that were community service organizations. I also volunteered at a local library for a couple of mouths and did other projects with other organizations like the beat club and Red Cross. As far as service connected with a course I have not had much experience because my high school did not have any courses like that unfortunately. If I could provide service anywhere I would love to help in tons of different places. I would love to be able to help out in Africa and Eastern Europe where the conditions in some places are extremely bad and unstable. I would also like to help here at home in one of the major cities like Washington or NYC where the people are so resilient and involved in the world. As to what I would be doing I would like to do anything that would best help me assist those who need assistance but I would above all love a leadership position that would allow me to make use of numerous resource’s to truly make an impact on the community.

Labor Day

My labor day was pretty standard by American standards. I went to my mother’s house over the weekend to visit family for my birthday that’s the 12th. On Labor Day we had a cookout at my grandmother’s house for Labor Day and my birthday. During the day we had went and saw Dinner for Schmucks the movie which was pretty funny all in all. Unfortunately though well I was in Myrtle Beach I realized how much I wanted to get back to Columbia. It’s not that I wanted to get away from family (okay maybe just a little), but because I feel that I sort of belong here now and I love it. So as nice as the mini-break was here’s to wishing that fall break doesn’t come early this year.

Fun Fact: Labor Day was first celebrated in 1882 in New York City, see all good things come out of NY

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Walking around at the organization fair was really exciting because it was to me a great way to find things to do around campus. The wide variety of clubs was overwhelming at first but easy to manage as I walked up the rows and picked up stuff that looked interesting. There were tons of club members that were very helpful in informing me of all the wonderful activity’s there clubs do. The only bad part was the barrage of churches trying to stuff their fliers into your hands at every turn but they weren’t that bad… I already joined Carolina Productions and am looking forward to getting involved with the college democrats and maybe the TWLOHR Club here on campus plus a couple of others maybe. I figure well I’m here and don’t have a job yet (Unfortunately) I might as well make the most of all my down time. If I had to start one organization up that I did not already see I might have considered some sort of motivational speakers clubs that would as a group work on their skill in an effort to become better motivators for their friends and fellow Carolinians.


Photo is on Backorder for now and I think I filled in the right bio blocks on my profile but not too sure. I feel like my tad bit longer then asked for PowerPoint summed up my story well enough though just in case.

My expectations for USC are kind of wide and varied I think. I feel like i expect to be able to find where i belong after college. In the meantime i feel like I expect to develop new friend ships and connections as well as new interests that will help me in the coming years.

I’ve traveled a lot and moved around a lot as a kid so I feel i have in my past been put in new experiences that where shocking and somewhat of an adventure.

Not really I'm really good about seeing things coming before there going to happen and being somewhat prepared for them when they come so not really.